Vincit – Affiliates
The Vincit Group is a proud member of the following organizations.
US Poultry & Egg Association The world’s largest and most active poultry organization. The U.S. Poultry & Egg Association membership includes producers and processors of broilers, turkeys, ducks, eggs, and breeding stock, as well as allied companies.
National Chicken Council Based in Washington, D.C., the NCC is the national, non-profit trade association representing the U.S. chicken industry. NCC member companies include chicken producer/processors, poultry distributors, and allied industry firms.
North American Meat Association (NAMA) With representatives in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and a community of more than 600 companies, NAMA provides its members exceptional regulatory advocacy, educational opportunities, and a spirit of partnership that is unique in the industry.
American Meat Institute (AMI) AMI is a national trade association that represents companies that process 95 percent of red meat and 70 percent of turkey in the US and their suppliers throughout America.
Alabama Egg & Poultry Association The mission of the Alabama Poultry and Egg Association is to serve the common interest of the Alabama poultry industry through education, communication, research and public affairs involvement.
California Poultry Federation The California Poultry Federation (CPF) represents the state’s turkey and chicken producers and marketers. A trade association formed in 1990, the CPF represents all segments of the industry including growers, hatchers, breeders and processors. The CPF is also the representative for the California Squab Producers, the largest squab processing facility in the world, and represents ducks, games birds and other meat poultry as well.
Georgia Poultry Federation The Georgia Poultry Federation works on behalf of farmers to improve, protect and grow the poultry industry in Georgia.
Kentucky Poultry Federation The Kentucky Poultry Federation is a civic and educational nonprofit corporation. The federation fosters, promotes and encourages the improvement of production and marketing of all types of poultry, poultry products, eggs and egg products in Kentucky. The Kentucky Egg Council coordinates all promotional activities of eggs and egg products.
Mississippi Poultry Association The Mississippi Poultry Association represents the poultry industry in the state of Mississippi. Membership is comprised of poultry and egg companies, producers of these products, and many businesses that help support the industry. The MPF is proud of its role in making poultry the state’s No. 1 agricultural commodity.
Poultry Federation of Arkansas, Missouri & Oklahoma The Poultry Federation (TPF) is a tri-state trade association representing the poultry and egg industry. TPF promotes and protects the interests of the industry and is a unified voice before the state governments.