QSI Donates To Morristown Regional Cancer Center In Honor Of Breast Cancer Awareness
CHATTANOOGA, TN – May 19, 2022 – The employees and management of QSI, a Vincit Group company, presented a $10,000 check to the Morristown Regional Cancer Center (MRCC) today. The QSI donation enables the Cancer Support Programs of MRCC to thrive.
The programs supported by this QSI donation include an educational resources center for cancer patients, their families, and caregivers. The center is staffed by volunteers and each of the volunteers have been trained and certified by the American Cancer Society (ACS). The caring staff provides educational services, cancer information, resources, referrals, and appointment transportation assistance. The center also provides free of charge wigs, hats, and scarves for those patients in need.
In mid-October of last year, QSI Senior Vice President Tony Burgess challenged his Eastern Tennessee management team to raise breast cancer awareness within their communities. Under the direction of Amy Yancy, HR Director of QSI Field Operations, Mr. Burgess’ challenge was accepted. In a matter of days, the QSI Morristown operations came together to discuss how they could best bring breast cancer awareness to their employees. Together, site managers Brittney Johnson, Fabian Martinez, Alex Mendez, and James Epps began a friendly competition to raise awareness.
The management teams and QSI employees held bake sales, raffles, sold pink QSI hard hats, and wore pink daily to raise breast cancer awareness. In the end, their efforts paid off and the QSI employees raised $6,204.60. Next, their effort to identify where to donate the proceeds began.
The employees chose the MRCC because of its valuable and compassionate commitment to cancer treatment in Eastern Tennessee and the greater Morristown communities.
The Vincit Group is proud to provide additional funding to the QSI Breast Cancer Awareness initiative first established by Mr. Burgess in order to make a total donation of $10,000. To learn more about breast cancer, visit the ACS Breast Cancer Informational Link.
About QSI
QSI is known nationally as The Brand Protection Specialists®. QSI is a complete contract sanitation services company and serves the food processing industry. Since 1993, QSI has set the industry standards in food safety, work safety, and water conservation. QSI is a member of the vertically integrated Vincit Group.